Kate Toft Madsen

A bit about myself

A bit about myself

I was born in Chicago and came to Denmark as an exchange student. I returned later for further studies and met my husband. I’ve lived in Denmark for more than 40 years and direct in Danish and English.

I’m neither a therapist nor a priest. I’m a spiritual director educated at the Jesuit retreat center in Wales, St. Beuno’s. Together with the Jesuits in Denmark I’ve directed on advent and lent retreats.

As part of my own development I go to regular spiritual direction and make a long retreat every year. When I direct I you receive supervision from another director.

I am a Catholic layperson, and member of parish council. 

I was part of the team that translated Sacred Space to Danish, and I contribute regularly to the Danish language Catholic periodical, Katolsk Orientering.

My faith journey

I grew up in the Catholic Church, but like so many others, I lapsed. I wanted prayer back in my life, but are you “allowed” to pray if you don’t go to church? The answer of course is yes. I was looking for something other than the rote prayers I had grown up with. Thanks to a Baptist colleague I found my way to Taizé prayer services and from there to Stella Matutina, the retreat centre of the Saint Joseph Sisters of Chambery in Kokkedal, Denmark. The sisters work with Ignatian spirituality in the tradition of Ignatius of Loyola. It has become my path too.

The Ignatian Bible contemplations opened my eyes (my heart?) to the readings during the mass. I wanted to go to church again and hear what the priest had to say about the readings of the day. I found a parish and, after some years, became a member of parish council. A position became vacant at the diocese, and I was hired. The Danish Jesuits asked me to help with their advent and lent retreats. I was fortunate to receive funding for my training as a spiritual director.